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In Spanish, SABER (pronounced sah-bear)
means TO KNOW.
The difference between data and knowledge is people. Our solutions empower your people by transforming data into connected knowledge and continuous learning.
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No API? No Problem.
Find and discover data in the absence of interoperability and regardless of type, format, or source.

Go beyond data engineering to encode domain specific knowledge and support reasoning processes in AI systems.

Track and accelerate learning loops across the organization to improve how knowledge is created, shared, and managed.

Gather, organize, define, and prepare your data to maximize artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

How does your data
change over time? Track
"data time travel" and notify users when data moves or changes.

Find deeper insights faster through AI-enabled Knowledge Graphs for 360-degree views of your data.

How ready is your data ecosystem for AI?
Saber's Data Health Assessment will explore your data environment through a three-dimensional lens of technical, cultural, and social factors that impact AI readiness.
60 04 03
Days Sprints Epics
Sprint 1: Discovery
Sprint 2: Collection
Sprint 3: Analysis
Sprint 4: Recommendations
Epic 1: Organizational Foundations
Epic 2: Data and Technology
Epic 3: Communication,
Collaboration and Decision-Making
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